Brian MacKenzie

Aug 18, 20213 min

Building A Life From Which You Do Not Need To Escape - Part 6: The Build

This post is a follow up to previous posts Building A Life From Which You Do Need To Escape Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, so hopefully you have read those. In Part 1 we focused on building an internal life from which we do not want to escape and suggested that PRACTICING PRESENCE PERSISTENTLY is the foundation upon which the rest is built, in part 2 we suggested that SELF-AWARENESS was also an important part of the process, in Part 3 we focused on ACCEPTANCE, in part 4 we focused on PERSPECTIVE, and in part 5 we focused on personal chosen VALUES. In this final post of this series, we will focus on the process of putting everything else into ACTION.

It is often said that actions speak louder than words. However, when most of us hear this saying, we tend to think of external action. External actions are obviously very important when building a life from which we do not need to escape, but our internal actions are equally, if not more important. I guess when it comes to internal actions, we could say actions speak louder than thoughts and emotions. In other words what we think and what we feel, are not as important as how we choose to respond to them. The one thing that internal and external actions have in common is, the more we can align them with our chosen personal values, the more likely we are to be able to build a life from which we do not need to escape. Practicing presence persistently, developing self-awareness, practicing acceptance, embracing our higher perspective, all require intentional internal action and facilitate intentional external action.

Practicing presence persistently, developing self-awareness, practicing acceptance, embracing our higher perspective, all require intentional internal action and facilitate intentional external action.

You may have noticed in reading this 6-part series, that all 6 of these recommended pieces to the puzzle of building a life from which we do not need to escape are somewhat reliant and dependent on each other. In other words, we have to be sure to consistently attend to, and be intentional about all of them. Having said that, action is very much where the rubber meets the road. We can think about it, talk about, and even imagine what it would feel like, but if we can’t bring ourselves to do it, we will not experience the benefits. There are many barriers to intentional committed action and everyone experiences them in some form or another. However, when supported by these other 5 pieces, overcoming those barriers certainly becomes easier, and the more we do it, the easier it gets.

Building a life from which we do not need to escape is a lifelong project. If we build a beautiful big Victorian home, then stand back and do not maintain it, it will fairly quickly begin to deteriorate and eventually become uninhabitable, especially if it’s located in a place that experiences frequent storms. The good news is, once it’s built you can at least enjoy living in it while maintaining it. The build is often the hardest part, because we are facing fears, embracing change, breaking old habits and forming new ones. However, each intentional committed step we take in action, is one more step in the direction of what is important to us.

Obviously reading a blog, or even a series of blogs, is limited in its potential to tackle important subjects. However, hopefully these posts have at least instilled some hope and at best inspired you to intentionally continue on your journey towards “Building A Life From Which You Do Not Need To Escape”.

Once again, please feel free to reach out to the team at Solace, should you have any questions or wish to have someone walk alongside you in the journey.
